
Columbia's Information Security Group

A free and informal gathering of information security professionals and enthusiasts in Columbia, South Carolina at the Richland County Public Library on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:00 PM (click on the YouTube bubble).

Founded 2014 (COVID can’t stop us)

Image credit: Zach Pippin

Filtering by Tag: Virtualization

June 16, 2015, meetup wrapup - demo gods pwn presenter

Well it happened again.

The demo gods gave our demo presenter a case of the, "you're not presenting tonight" and thus we were left scrambling for a presentation again. It was still a good night though as we slogged our way through setting up Kali Linux and Metasplotable. Sandra also brought us some cool toys to play with and was kind enough to take notes and a recording of the meeting.

We started with introductions and the agenda for tonight. Then I shared some pictures of CircleCityCon. Adam then stepped up to the play and tried to give a demo until he realized he had downloaded the 32-bit version of VirtualBox and was trying to load 64-bit ISOs. Chris stepped in to assist in walking everyone through how to setup Kali Linux.

We were then distracted when Sandra pulled out some Google cardboard and sent us on trips to space museums, Paris, and other places. We then got back to business and discussed some VM nuances, movie reboots, and Edwin showed of the pfSense console. Back at the Kali Linux install we discovered that you shouldn't try to run a VM from an SD card. Metasploitable is up an running. I managed to pop a padlock in less than five seconds! After a few more errors and troubleshooting both Kali and Metasploitable are up and running. Success!

Robert wrapped up the meeting talking about OSSEC, which he will be presenting on at our next meeting.

Quotes of the night

"That's the problem with doing a presentation with a bunch of nerds; they'll tell what to do and what you're doing wrong." -Robert

"Peter Jackson will get bored and reboot the LORT movies" -Adam

(in the distance) "Ooooooo! Anyone want a cupcake!?" -Tim

Random other things

  • Teracopy is awesome
  • Don't download anything from Sourceforge
  • Hack news: LastPass and baseball hacks
  • Poly password hasher

Again, a big thanks to Sandra for the meeting notes. Our next meetup will be July 21, 2015.